A good few years ago I had an idea for a TF2 level based on the old TFC levels CTF_2Fort and CTF_Well. I thought that the files were lost to the failed drives of the past, but while clearing out old folders I had found, I stumbled over a version of the map.

I have had to familiarize myself with the Hammer editor after a good 10 years to have a look at what I had done.

After going through the setup on the Valve Developer Community wiki, I found out about Hammer++ and that it has a bunch of features added in like real-time lighting that really should be in the official Hammer editor these days.

When I got the level loaded in the editor I saw that it was an older version as I remember having built an area to the rear of the facade that opened into what I was starting to create as the main red team base.

But I thought I'd compile the map and have a look at what I had got in the game engine.

While I like the red lights inside the doorways, I thought that the sky map and lighting was off, so I had a look at the wiki to see what was being used in the official maps to get an idea of what is available. I decided to go with sky_hydro_01 and used the settings for cp_powerhouse.

I don't think that these fit either, but it does lighten it up for some screenshots and a video.


0:00/0:33 I think I'm going to do some more work on it when I get a chance as I do miss messing around in the Hammer editor, and I would like to get it to where I remember it being last time I got too busy and forgot about it.