I don't know what make me start looking through the old planetHalf-Life on the Wayback Machine, but I found myself there. I then remembered that sometime around 2002-2003 I used to do a bit of 'reporting/writing' for HLGaming. It was manly just re-reporting what the other sites had already posted, but I like to think that one or two people appreciated it.

While I was looking through some old posts I had put on there I saw a link to my old website that was hosted on there. So I had to have a look, low and behold the Wayback Machine loaded the snapshot from December 11, 2004, that's nearly 20 years to the day from this post here. Not only was I surprised that one of the posts I had made then was about starting a BTEC but a slightly older one from September that year has the specs of the PC I had built then, and the only image that loads is of the front of the case.

If anyone would like to see how my rambling has changed or not in 20 years here are the links


gimpinthesink's Site

They are a real nice trip down memory lane and quite the shock of where did the last 20 years go.