I have been working on a weather station for a little while, longer than I’d have wanted, but with other work and getting the money together to buy the parts it's taken a while. I have had a DHT11 plugged into a breadboard and connected to a Raspberry Pi Zero W for a few months. I have written a program in python to gather the temperature and humidity every 30 minutes. It then writes this data to a .xlsx file.

I have just purchased a BMP280 from Pimoroni to see how well that performs with temperature readings, as I have read about them not being as accurate due to the thermometer being encased in with the other sensors. I have had some trouble getting it to work on my Raspberry Pi 3b+ and I was beginning to think that it may be faulty. I checked that I2C was running multiple times and I checked that I got a reading of 76 when I ran icdetect -a 1 which I did. I checked my solder joints and re-soldered one pin. I tried the BMP280 in the Raspberry Pi 0 W, and it still didn’t work, I was about to give up and that's when I realized that I had cloned and installed the files for a BME280 and not the BMP280.

Thankfully, after realizing this mistake, I cloned and installed the correct files, and it is now working as intended and I can get on with comparing the DHT11 and BMP28. I will run them against each other for the next week to see what differences in readings they produce, and then I think I will start looking at getting an anemometer designed and 3D printed.

My plan for this weather station is not only for temperature, humidity, pressure and, wind speed readings. But I want to have a rain gauge too, and I may also look into the possibility of wind direction